Thursday, February 4, 2010

Working at the Baby Home

This is my second day of working at the Baby Home - yesterday from 2:00 - 7:30 pm doing training.  In the morning we went into down on a small bus called "Dala Dalas" - crowded with people.  We went to the hectic market, grocery store, saw where the bank was and had lunch.  When you think town, think basic...
The kids are really wonderful - the older ones really attention seek.  They see many different volunteers come through so they know the new ones - they try to get away with everything.  There are tiny babies, older babies, little toddlers and big toddlers and a preschool.  We get to experience everything while we are here and can work as much as we want.

Today, Amy and Meghan asked two of us to go into Mwanza with them to the hospital to pick up two new little babies - we arrived and Social Welfare did not have the paperwork ready so we could not take them.  Amy will get them later today.  One is 2 months old and the other is 6 months.  Not much is known about either baby.  I did get to hold and cuddle the little one who looks more like a new born.

Back to the Baby Home to do lunch, play in the pre-school and feed Charles his bottle.

This afternoon, a rest (I started work at 6:15 am) and then going to dinner with another long term volunteer and her mother who are from the States.

Bye for now..................


  1. Hi Dorothy,
    So glad to hear that you've arrived safely and doing great things!! Keep up the good work. I am thinking of you always! Annie

  2. Hi Dorothy:

    The office isn't the same without you. Nothing new to report here. Glad to hear that you have arrived and by the sounds of things are kept very busy. Keep us posted on everything that is happening. All of us check often.
    Just to let you know the chocolate that you left in your desk is already gone.
    Take care, Love Jen

  3. Hi Dorothy,
    Working with the babies sound so rewarding,It is such a shame that the babies are so young at 2 months old just about the age of my little grand daughter,I could not possibly imagine !! they are so lucky to have you.
