Thursday, January 28, 2010

Now my bags are packed............

It has been a very busy week - making sure everything is done at work and that my clients are supported and happy.  The packing has been difficult - I want to take everything that I have collected and been given this year but as of this moment, I have not been pre-approved for over weight baggage so am having to leave some things behind.  I have been trying with the help of my friend Asgarali since November to get the approval.  He got referred to this person and that person - still no decision.  My baggage will be overweight so I am going to have to use my charm to try to get them to allow the weight.  We will see how that goes.  I down sized to a more reasonable sized suitcase - but still  have two pieces - both overweight.

It is emotional as I have never done anything like this before.  But it is something I must do and I will do.  I hope I do it well.  It will be difficult to be away from my family, my pets, my bed, my home and my routine, but it is only eight weeks.  Anyone can do something difficult for eight weeks. 

Thanks again to all who cheered me on, gave me support and encouragement.  Thank you to my wonderful friends and family,  my teammates who are awesome and all those who tolerated my constant talk about this adventure.  I think even my mother now understands.

I leave at 6:20 pm on Friday, Jan. 29th and will spend the weekend in Dar Es Salaam with family members of a friend of mine here.  I appreciate that so much - they will pick me up at the airport, take care of me, take me to the Canadian Embassy to register and then I am off to Mwanza on Tuesday morning.

Wish me luck...................

Monday, January 18, 2010

My bags are almost packed..........

January 18, 2010

The time is coming close and I am so busy packing and attending to last minute details.  I was given two box's of slightly used soccer balls from the Oak Ridges Soccer Club.  Thank you Nicole and Sam.  Can you imagine the joy children will have playing soccer?   The world cup is in South Africa this year so it is very exciting to be taking these balls with me.  Maybe this can be a yearly event for the soccer club - sending off their used soccer balls to kids who don't have anything to play with.  "The gift of play".... Somehow I will fit them in..............Another friend gave me baby booties, another friend blankets, another friend Insta Snow - a product that mixes with water and viola - snow.  It's even cold.............I will be able to show kids what happens in Canada during the winter....I have sent the money off to the orphanage and now have my visa back from Ottawa.  I have organized my house and my work the best I can.  I wake up in the night wondering what I will forget...have lists everywhere and my emotions are very close to the surface.  But I feel great - I never thought I could do something like this.  So many people have been so supportive and encouraging.  For those cynical people out there (you know who you are) - well they have their own journey.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The fundraiser is finished...........

Well the fundraiser is finished and I am very happy to report that I raised much more than I had anticipated.  I am very humbled and touched by the interest created by my fundraiser for Fovever Angels.  I have met so many wonderful and caring people throughout this process.

Last night I had the draw.  I had my brother Wayne and his wonderful family, his wife Pam, daughters Lori, Dana and Jenna - also Mitch - Dana's boyfriend.  Jaye and Andrew were present as well.  Unfortunately, Jeffrey and Able were not able to attend as they had a previous engagement.  Jenna made a wonderful poster which touched me more than I can say.  She is a wonderful niece and is the love of my life.  She and I did the draw together and it was so much fun.  Now I will deliver the prizes and thank people for participating.  It was wonderful to have my family present - my brother and  his family are always in my corner and support anything I do.  Thank you for being the best family anyone could ever ask for.

Thank you all for buying a ticket, selling tickets or even considering buying a ticket.  This money will help support all the children at the orphanage................let's all hope they will one day have a family as wonderful as mine.