Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time is flying by...........

It is very busy here - working early or working late - going in for extra hours to feed babies, cuddle and play.  They never seem to get enough one-to-one time - always group time.  Some of my favourite babies are Anna, Amani, Sharlom and Charles, George, Moses, Noah, Margaret, Emmanuel, Angel and Ella and many more.  They are beautiful.  It is so sad that many mothers died giving birth to these children - hard to believe in this day and age.  Most people cannot afford medical care. 

A few of us went on a hike the other day up to Dancing Rock - a beautiful view on top of these giant boulders which Mwanza is known for - called Rock City- surrounded by enormous boulders.  It is on Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake and the second largest fresh water lake in the world.  It is the second largest city in Tanzania but feels more like a town - just two hours from the Serengeti.

Most locals rely on fishing and small scale farming for a living.  There is a strong Indian influence here with mosques and also Hindu temples as well as many Christians.  The main tribe here is the Sukuma - largest ethnic group of Tanzania.

I am enjoying the simplicity of life here, forget the hair, forget the make-up - just sunscreen and mosquito repellent - unless we go out for dinner.  Weather is great so just flip-flops and T-shirts.....We wear clothes we don't care about to the Baby Home because we get spit up on, peed on and you know the rest.  We walk everywhere unless we go into town.  In fact, a few of us are walking daily now for fitness........feels good.

There are things I don't like - living with lots of people, very little privacy, being woke up by dogs barking, roosters crowing and the call to the Mosque at 4 am.   I miss my home routine but time is going quickly and I will be back soon enough..........


  1. Sounds so busy their Dorothy. All is well here at home Ashley is doing great actually amazing according to Bernie and her teachers. Taylor is saying Mama all the time music to my ears. The boys are great too. I'm glad to hear your doing well and giving those little ones that much needed love and attention.

    We miss you. Take care!

  2. Hi Dorothy:

    Sounds super busy. I have not read anything about your plans for daily yoga.
    We are missing you as your desk seems so empty. Time is surely going by quickly and home is just around the corner.
    Keep up the good work and continue to post and send pictures.
    Love, Jen

  3. No make up no hair done!!!!!!!!!!!.... You Go Girl.
    Sounds like you are enjoying working with the babies.

  4. Loving all the blogs. keep them coming.

